
Main Plaza

Photo crop exposure date: unknown.
Exposure date (or window) of subject photo: 1887
Subject: Photo crop of Main Plaza. View is ESE and elevated, taken from, almost certainly, S. Wolfson’s store showing the entire east side of Main Plaza from Commerce street to the French Building. Both the Market street and Dolorosa Street intersections can be seen. The businesses begin at the cornet of Commerce Street with the Dauenhauer Building, 2-4 east side (es) Main Plaza, occupied by S. Deutsch & Co. – Dry Goods; Revolving Light, 6 es Main Plaza, owned by Samuels & Ball – Saloon; D& A Oppenheimer, 8 es Main Plaza – Grocers; M. Koenigheim, 10 es Main Plaza – Pawn broker, L. Frank owned by Frank Lazarus, 12 es Main Plaza – Saddelry; Vacant – 14 es Main Plaza. Tivoli Garden Theater, 16 es Main Plaza, owned by Leon Edward – Saloon; Ramsey & Ford, 18 es Main Plaza,- Saddelry. Lexington Stables, 26 es Main Plaza (between Market and Dolorosa) operated by Sullivan, J.O. – Livery.